Love to travel to get new ideas, pictures and collect materials…
Love to travel to get new ideas, pictures and collect materials…
variation of pictures taken by myself, love to photografh the little things in life….
A Collection inspired by my backyard, the nature park ‘Maashorst’
First a took the pictures to be my startpoint for the jewels
Necklace inspired of a photo taken in boston…
Island collier, because everybody lives on theis own island in the usa.
After travelling for 7 months I made the collection ´Trip´ to keep the memorie alive. In 2010 I went travelling through th USA and central america, I took a lot of pictures and collected a lot of materials on the way. And used them for this collection.
I went travelling for expanding my world, leaving everything behind that I knew and discover the world.
Collecting memories by taking images.
Specially made on order.
I make them specially on order and just one time, so the will be exclusieve. Because it is your storie, of nobody else.
I also integrated the ashes of somebody you loved. These Jewels are Always made on order and designed on order.
This is a project where I am surching for human materials inspired on blood and plasma, so it gets close but still establish a clearly distant.
Called the `Freshproject´.
Collection from 2006, my exam collection.
This collction is about what I want to show to everyone en what is private and I decided what is shown, on what moment. But still want to protect it and caring it with me.
In my work, I am always looking for the essence of my subject and make a design, here is clarity an important guideline.
I´m always looking for the intimate space within the ornament, a space in wich you can carry your most valuable memories along, with or without an other person will notice.
That is why I use the intimate colour red in almost all of my work, combined with silver and a synthetic materials. The shapes I use are often round shapes.
2018 | Land’art, Zeeland (Netherlands) |
2017 | Maashorst expo, ’t Oventje (Netherlands) |
2017 | Foto expositie, Groene Engel, Oss (Netherlands) |
2015 | Land’art, Zeeland (Netherlands) |
2015 | Galerie Juffertjes voor Altijd, Kampen (Netherlands) |
2013 | Boqz, Eindhoven (Netherlands) |
2010 | Land’art, Zeeland (Netherlands) |
2009 | Galerie De Andere Kant, Zutphen (Netherlands) |
2008 | Land’art, Zeeland (The Netherlands) |
2007 | Stedelijk Museum Roermond, Neck’lace, Roermond (Netherlands) |
2007 | Graduation Artschool Maastricht, RAW, Maastricht (Netherlands) |
2007 | Stedelijk Museum Roermond, Neck’lace, Roermond (Netherlands) |
Phone | +31(0)6 538 386 10 | | |
IBAN | NL51RABO0143362615 |
KVK | 17246692 |